Big Winter Storm, Mississippi Style

This morning, we woke up to a stillness like no other.

Meteorologists predicted snow yesterday, even issued a Winter Storm Warning, but I didn’t believe them. Often, when we get that kind of hype over an approaching storm system with the possibility of snowfall, they turn out to be wrong.

This time, they were not.

I had trouble going to sleep last night. Our bedroom has skylights, and when we turned out the light, as soon as my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I realized it didn’t seem dark at all. The light outside seemed more like a full-moon glow, only slightly rosy. Around one AM, I got up and walked through the house, looking out every window, and sure enough, a little snow was falling. Not much. That would be it, I thought, but still, I couldn’t sleep. I lay there anticipating, like a child.

So we woke up to about three inches of snow, and now it’s nine-thirty, and the sun is out, and it’s beautiful, but melting fast. I went out to take these few shots an hour ago, and I could already hear the dripping, dripping.

But here you are, a memento of a Southern storm. No ice. Just that beautiful silence and a white topping over everything.

My small stones are faltering, but maybe this post will count.

16 thoughts on “Big Winter Storm, Mississippi Style

  1. Gerry, I so relate with that feeling of anticipation and the magic of the glow settling over the world. I want to run around outside at 1am taking it all in and remembering every detail before the magic vanishes and the night turns into just another morning. You lucky, lucky girl. 🙂


  2. I looked up in the dark, and the skylights glowed. I suppose the glass was already covered with snow, but why that kind of rosy light, I don’t know. When I looked out, the sky was light, too, in a strange way. But beautiful. I expect you get your fill of snow, Celi! It’s so rare for us and nice when it comes gently like this, without the ice.


  3. That snow looks crunchy and delicious, like dessert. Too bad it’s gone. I want to love snow, but with no experience living in it I harbor a certain fear.


    • It’s nice when it comes like this, just a gentle snowfall, no ice to complicate things. It brings everything to a halt, though, because we don’t know how to deal with snow “down here.”


  4. Oh, so lovely! This is one of the things I love about living in northern Arizona … we get so much snow, and because it’s a relatively “green” town it stays mostly pretty and white! That first picture, especially, made me long for another sky burst.


    • I’ve lived (briefly) in a couple of places that got lots of snow, and I’m not sure how I would deal with it year in and year out. I do love the changing seasons, though. Snow is so rare for us! We hardly had winter at all last year.


    • Thanks! It really was starting to melt by the time I got out. It was prettiest when I first got up this morning, but I wanted to sit and watch it fall for a while–big old fat, wet flakes. We do have camellias blooming, and I forgot to take shots of those.


  5. Could you see the snow falling in the sky lights, that would have been amazing. I can just imagine you in your dressing gown, peeking out windows, turning the porch light on and off, peering this way and that.. I love snow. They say out here that i will get over it, but i have never had too much to get over yet. About 1/2 an inch so far this winter. So I am deeply envious of your snow and what beautiful shots, especially with those drops of blood-like berries. I am starting a beginners writing course on the 24th (writers digest- I hope it is good) and I am very excited. I just want to gobble up all the learning. I simply cannot begin my rewrite of the book until I learn more. have a lovely day gerry! c


    • I looked up in the dark, and it really looked like a moonlit night. I suppose the glass was already covered with snow, but why that kind of rosy light, I don’t know. When I looked out, the sky was light, too, in a strange way. But beautiful. I expect you get your fill of snow, Celi! It’s so rare for us and nice when it comes gently like this, without the ice.


      • we have only had a tiny dusting so far this year and almost none last year, we don’t always get snow here but this year is unusually dry evidently.. the ice i can do without.. c


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